Welcome to the website of Mooz – an all-female band who formed in Bristol, UK, and were active from 1997 to 2004.
Mooz are Amy, Jess, Paula and Rasha.
This site is our online digital time capsule, in which we share our experiences of being women in music.
We tell our story in twelve chapters, which you can access via the site’s home page or from the drop down menu.
Here you can listen to (and buy) our music, watch a few videos of Mooz performances, and peruse an extensive gallery of images, of the band, of gigs, of magazine articles, CDs and posters.
Please note: we have made every effort to trace copyright holders of the images, and of the sound recordings – and where we have been successful, we have sought permission to reproduce them here. Do get in touch if you are a copyright holder of anything we have included, and feel we have infringed your copyright – we will remove that content at your request.